Hopper Recovery Center
Terms, Conditions and Guidelines
Please do not join our facility unless you understand and truly agree to follow the terms of residency.
We Do Not Separate Sins
​All persons seeking recovery from addictions are welcome, whether one has a no criminal record, a significant criminal record, or is a sex offender. If one means business, it is our belief that no one has sunk too low to receive compassion, guidance, and help.
​We live our program of recovery, working our steps, sponsoring men and women to help them develop skills for remaining drug-free and alcohol-free. However, the primary purpose of Hopper House is to create an environment and model for one to find a Power Greater than one’s self that will do for him or her what he or she cannot do alone. We are a faith-based recovery house and that means we discuss God. But, we do not dictate a specific denomination, group, or religion. Those are matters one decides for himself or herself.
Stay Current ​
It is the responsibility of the program members of Hopper House to review these terms frequently and adhere to any changes or updates made to these terms. Current terms written herein supersede any prior or contemporaneous understanding.
You are entering a recovery program you are not a tenant in the Hopper Recovery Center. The word member or client denotes membership in a program of recovery. The words Hopper House, monitor, leader, director, manager, staff, personnel, house, or facility are used orally and in writing to describe the Hopper Recovery Center and those working for and with Hopper Recovery Center. The words conditions, guidelines, terms, policies, and rules denote the requirements for membership and occupancy at Hopper Recovery Center.
Program and Quarters
​The applicant understands that the Hopper House program and quarters are provided solely to adopt skills, attitudes, and abilities to bring about permanent recovery. Your first 17 days in our program is an evaluation period, if there doesn't appear to be a willingness to adopt a new lifestyle you will be asked to leave our program. The program lasts 6 months. It will allow the member to transition to a new, better sober life. The objective is to move from old lifestyle patterns, and mindsets to a new and comfortable state of living and being.
Length of Program
After the length of 6 months of the program members will be evaluated on the amount of recovery efforts put forth. Additionally, the program member will be evaluated regarding his or her understanding of recovery skills. Additionally, he or she will be evaluated based on his or her willingness to participate in our group functions. Furthermore, upon, completion of 6 months of successful participation the program member's picture will be displayed as successful on the community wall. In a nutshell, upon completion of the six months, staff assess if the client is an asset to Hopper House by helping others gain recovery skills. If so we will allow them to continue active membership. There is no expiration date as long as they continue THE PROGRAM of action. God bless.
​​Guidelines That Must Be Adhered To By Resident​s
​If one has any conflicts with a house leader or other house occupants
Contact: Chris Hopper at 325-276-1978
Membership $140 if paid weekly or rent is $525 if paid monthly. $600.00 for advanced members.
Membership is paid the first day of every month or each Sunday if weekly.
There is a $20.00 late fee if is late.
If one leaves and has paid fees in advance the difference will be refunded on a prorated basis.
Women's and Men's Facilities
Women and men are to remain separated without fraternizing unless in co-ed meetings
No phone calls
No Texting
No Social Media
Monitoring and Observation​
Common areas are monitored by security cameras.
Common areas are monitored by voice recording.
Rooms are NOT monitored.
On-site house leaders consistently monitor behavioral risks and maintain oversight.​
Except for elderly and disabled persons, members must be gainfully employed.
If temporarily unemployed, job search must be reported to staff.
Each unemployed member, who has completed the 17-day H.O.W. phase, is thereafter afforded one calendar week to find gainful employment
If one has been given a grace period to join without initial program costs he or she MUST become current within two calendar weeks of the program start date. In other words, all membership fees must be paid up for at least the upcoming week.
Cleanliness and Sanitation
You are responsible for our chores inside and outside our living quarters. This includes your dishes, your floor, your yard, and your living quarters in general.
All items must be put in their proper place.
Inside floors and surfaces are to be free of clutter.
All dishes are to be cleaned immediately upon finishing a meal or snack.
Clean windows and door facings.
No hoarding or excessive items.
Do not say things about others unless we are certain he or she would approve unless the person is a danger to themselves or others.
No gossip or deliberate character assassination.
No cursing, yelling, threats of violence, or any words spoken with the intent to hurt a person emotionally.
Attitude and Actions
We don’t complain, condemn, or criticize.
Do not argue or retaliate.
Consider your actions and behavior a top priority.
Do your best not to offend others.
Participate in Recovery Activities
Church/religious meetings, on-site meetings are required.
Group functions.
Helping in the recovery of others
Members are required to get a sponsor and work the 12 steps.
In accordance with our 12th step, we are required to sponsor others within 60 days
Room Inspections.
Rooms are inspected at the staff's discretion.
Random inspections will occur.
Setting a Good Example
Follow and practice the principles as set for in the book Alcoholics Anonymous e.g. the 12 steps.
Maintain personal hygiene and proper dress.
Wear a shirt if you are outside of your personal living quarters.
If you are wearing shorts be sure to wear underclothes.
Accept service work whenever asked.
Be Responsible
No trash or cigarette butts on the ground.
Smoking is permitted in designated areas only.
Complete at least 10 hours of volunteer work per month, if something can be done to make Hopper Recovery Center cleaner, more inviting, functional or more presentable. (​Refer to the chore list posted in the common area or ask your leader.
24-hour notice is required for any visits from non-members (excluding meeting attendance) and must still be approved by the house leader.
With approval, same-gender guests are permitted within permitted hours. We prefer guests to meet in our community room rather than the member's room. Note: We may require guests to take a drug or alcohol test if desiring private time with a member.
Visits can last up to three hours at the house director's discretion and with prior approval, your children are welcome to spend nights with you if approved.
Having opposite-gender guests in the house without approval by the director is grounds for immediate termination of your membership.
Once a sponsor is approved there is no need to get further approval for same-gender sponsees or one's sponsor to visit.
The member agrees to pay for any damaged or lost property belonging to Hopper House.
All members must maintain on a best-efforts basis all goods and property of Hopper House.
Respecting the property of other members is required.
If any property is left behind after your departure it becomes the property of Hopper House within 24 hours of departure.
One operating up to date, and registered personal car or truck permitted.
Vehicle registration must be up to date.
The member must provide in writing the make, model, etc.
Don't block the drive be sure when parking the headlights/front of the car is facing the road if in a driveway or Grape Creek Road if parked next to the curb.
Abandoned Vehicles
If you cancel your membership and leave and abandon a vehicle there is a 1$00.00 USD per day storage fee charged per vehicle.
If a vehicle is left longer than 10 days unattended it will be sold or towed at Hopper House’s discretion.
All proceeds will become part of the Hopper House property. You will not get any compensation -- No exceptions.
Meeting requirements are subject to change from time to time. leaders will contact you upon the changes through text or verbal house meetongs.
For the first 90 day members will be required to make all Hopper House meetings. Upon completing 90 days meeting attendance; attendance is reduced to 4 Hopper House meetings per week and church. Tuesday at 7:00 PM Thursday at 7:00 PM Saturday at 6:45 PM Sunday at 8:30 AM and Sunday church at 3 PM.
After 90 days meeting nights are still required as well as church. For example, what changes is that one can substitute our meeting with another meeting elsewhere. This applies only as long as the house leader is aware and an outside meeting form is completed and submitted through the outside meeting page at the following link https://www.hopperrecoverycenter.com/outside-meeting.
Any meetings attended must not conflict with the original 12-step recovery program.
No cell phone use, horseplay, sleeping, or distracting talk in meetings.
Be on time for all meetings.
Missing three required meetings before 90 days and without completing a missed meeting form is grounds for immediate termination of membership.
The only reasons to miss a meeting are for work or medical reasons.
Drugs and Alcohol​
Any mood or mind-altering substance or prescription not prescribed by a licensed physician is a violation of Hopper House requirements.
No over-the-counter recreational drugs. For example, CBD, kratom, or headshop-purchased items, they are a violation. (if you have legitimate questions please discuss them with your house leader.
No alcohol
You agree to random drug/alcohol tests.
Medications and Supplements
Nutritional supplements such as vitamins, protein powders, and minerals are permitted.
Non-narcotic non-prescription medicines are permitted (with approval).
Anabolic steroids are not permitted
No physical violence.
No inconsiderate actions are permitted
Any unusual behavior will be addressed promptly. i.e. grouchiness, rebellion, or insubordination.
No verbal violence or threats of violence.
No TV or movies that promote a bad lifestyle.
No foul music i.e. dirty language, or music disrespectful to women.
No pornography.
No violent video games.
All websites must be above reproach (clean wholesome content).
Dating sites are forbidden.
​No gambling.
No pets or animals unless approved.
No indoor fish or rodents unless approved.
Curfew and overnight stays
All members are to be in the house by 11:00 PM.
Upon completing 90 days in the program. Hopper House allows two overnight leaves in any 30-day period. However, a 24-hour notice is required before departing. The form is found at https://www.hopperrecoverycenter.com/copy-of-missed-meeting-or-overnight-l
Move out ​
Upon determining you are going to exit the program you must inform the house leader.
There will be an inspection of your quarters 24 hours before departure.
If you have unclean quarters you will have the option of cleaning it properly or paying to have it cleaned at a rate of $80.00
​The prospective member agrees he or she has read the Hopper House guidelines for membership and agrees to all the terms set forth herein. The occupant is also aware that non-compliance with guidelines will cause immediate termination of membership. Hopper House is a structured sober living environment (SLF) and recovery environment. This means the member's agree to maintain adherence to the terms found in this agreement. It also means any requirements set forth orally by the Hopper House staff, Additional varying curfews may apply under certain circumstances on a case-by-case basis determined by the staff of Hopper House. Moreover, from time to time various privileges may be granted or limited for all, part, or individual members.